Tips for Spring Cleaning.
Yes, it’s that time of the year again! Spring cleaning is upon us, and for many us this can mean a very stressful one day affair. However, it doesn’t have to be this way! Spring Cleaning can actually be a very reflective time for your family, and though this may sound far-fetched, it can also be extremely meditative and therapeutic. By following these three steps you will not only be able to enjoy your spring cleaning, but you will be able to do so stress-free!
1 – When you are ready to begin cleaning your home, it is highly recommended that you make a schedule. While you may feel that you can tackle the task in one day, not only will this stress you out even more, it may not produce the spotless outcome you so wanted to achieve. This is why it’s smart to prepare a list of tasks, organize them realistically over the course of a few days to a week and get them done without having to hurry or stress. Maybe on the first day you clean out the fridge, using soapy water and disinfectant to wipe down its surfaces- and the next you steam clean your couches. Make it a family event even! Get the kids in on some dusting action and encourage them to take responsibility for their home too, as most stains on the couch are probably not from Mom!

2 – Steam cleaning has become a staple tool for many Canadians, and has been known to seriously up your cleaning game. It’s an eco-friendly and safe alternative to its chemical ridden counterpart, as it majorly uses water. Studies have shown that this may be the best way to clean your home as the water vapour molecules penetrate so deep into surfaces that they are able to kill even the most harmful pathogens, like E. Coli and Salmonella. This versatile tool is inexpensive and easy to use- and can be used on countertops, bathroom tile, couch cushions and even rugs and carpets. Many have even claimed it made their home look new again!
3 – The third and final step to simplify your spring cleaning is to incorporate the idea of consciously tidying. Marie Kondo, who has a Netflix special and her own book, advocates for a higher level of awareness when it comes to cleaning your home. This starts in a place of appreciation for what you already have, and ends with the decision to get rid of what no longer serves you. By looking at the spring cleaning process from the perspective of gratitude, it can allow you to fully appreciate and enjoy the process. Instead of feeling guilty for giving things away, simply thank them for the place they held in your life and let them go. It’s such a simple concept but it has changed the lives of so many, as well as introduced them to a new way of life.
While spring cleaning may still feel like a heavy burden to carry and you may still decide to make it an early-summer cleaning, these tips should help to lighten the load and make you feel a little less stressed going forward!