CRUSH Real Estate Tips

How to live stress free while selling your home.

Selling your home is inherently stressful.  The constant need to keep the house clean and organized and trying to pack up the kids and furry friends before showings, it’s a never ending chore.  While this probably won’t change anytime soon, what you can change is how this stress affects you and your family. With this in mind, here are four tips and tricks to keep you and your family level-headed and anxiety free this home-selling season!

1 – Take time for you! Whether this means a lavender bath and insense in the evening or a boxing class in the morning, finding a way to keep yourself calm and centred is the best way to get through this process gracefully.

2 – Be prepared!  Making sure you are always ready helps relieve the stress when your realtor calls and say’s, is it okay if I show your home in 10 minutes?   Having ample notice for showings is great but lets face it, that’s not always the reality.  If possible, involve the family so that everyone does their fair share to help organize before bed that way when morning comes there is nothing to do but turn the lights on, open the drapes and wait for that Buyer to fall in love with your home. 

3 – This next tip takes a little more mental exertion. When you find yourself overthinking, obsessing or worrying about the sale of your home, you have to catch these thoughts in motion! Being able to identify these thoughts as redundant and harmful will keep your mental health in check and give you the ability to separate yourself from the sale of your home. Just trust that everything will work out, and even if it takes longer than planned to sell when you were hoping for a quick sale, worrying and obsessing will not do any good.

4 – Lastly, gather up your kids and dogs because there is no stress-reliever quite like a kitchen dance party! Holding a spoon in one hand and a maraca in the other, dance your worries away in your soon-to-be sold home. This is ridiculously fun, and really, you can dance in any room of your house but the kitchen has the most props to aimlessly whip about.

It’s a tricky trail to tread, but this does not mean it has to affect your happiness!

Hopefully these four tips help you to feel a little less stressed moving forward, and while they are small changes, they can majorly affect your life and your happiness when you do decide to sell your home.

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Tips for Spring Cleaning.

April 24, 2020